About Us

CJ George

My name is CJ George, I'm a co-founder of Hunt and George Marketing. Other than running this business I am a student at Carmel Catholic High School. I work on cars with my grandfather as a part-time job. I decided to go into this business because I felt that it was important for me to take on some responsibility and help retire my grandparents, parents, and set up my family for generations to come. I figured that there was no better way to start down that path than by launching a company. I hope to expand the business into the go-to business for marketing needs.

Harrison Hunt

My name is Harrison and I'm a co-founder of Hunt and George Marketing. Outside of this business, I'm a student at Adlai E. Stevenson High School and work as a sound engineer as a side hustle/hobby. I helped start this business because I've taken it upon myself to retire my parents who have worked enough in their lives. Additionally, I hope to use money from this business to expand into a budget friendly drop-shipping focused marketing agency that makes it easy for students to explore alternative methods of becoming financially secure instead of building dependency on jobs.Â